Sunday, January 16, 2011

Backwards Update

Since I'm just a little behind I decided to do a backwards update. 
Saturday, was Chris's second basketball game of the season.  I'm amazed at how much faster and better he is this year.  I really enjoy being able to watch him play.  He thinks he will soon be as tall as me, but I tell him its not going to happen!
Bailee and Miles were both so very sweet all week long.  I think just maybe we have found the reason for Miles being so cranky most of the time....acid reflux!  The dr. prescribed zantac and he seems to be much better...we'll have to come up with another nickname for him besides "cranky pants".  I've resisted admitting that he was one of the most cranky babies ever, but now I might, just might.  Gigi has such a hard time saying or thinking anything negative about her little nuggets.
Guess who has a tooth!!!  Yep, Miles does.  I can't say that its his first though since he was born with one.  Perhaps another reason for his crankiness?
Bailee continues to amaze and humor me with the things she says.  Here are just a few from the week:
Gigi: Bailee you are getting sooo big!  
Bailee:  My mommy growed me this tall!
Bailee: Hey, gigi I have cockle shells
Gigi: Huh Bailee
Bailee:  You know, cockle shells
Gigi: Oh, do you have silver bells too? (Mary Mary Quite Contrary)
Bailee: Ah, yes
Bailee:  Gigi, pour me out
Gigi: What?
Bailee: You know here is my handle, here is my spout!
Bailee:  Hey, "wed" (red, try to get his attention)
Gigi:  Who are you talking to?
Bailee:  Some people call him "wed" but I call him pepaw.
Oh, the funny things that come out of the mouth of my little princess!
Finally, on 1/11/11 Maxwell Fisher Riley was born.  He weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 17 1/2 inches long or short whichever way you look at it.  Of course, he is perfect, like all of gigi's other grandbabies.  Everyone is doing fine and I'm sure mom and dad will have all the help they need from big sister Madi. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL I almost peed my pants when I read the part about "wed", she is so stinkin' funny.
