Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy Birthday ... and Many Many More!

Happy birthday to my daddy.  When I called to wish him a happy birthday, I sang only the first part of the song.  He reminded me to add, "and many more".  Of course, I wish him many, many more.  I might add that each year for the past several years, he has said that it would probably be his last birthday.  I can't imagine my life without him, so I just don't even try.  Intellectually, I suspect that someday I will have to face that.  Emotionally, I can't go there and won't until I'm forced.  I felt the same way about my Granny.  She was supposed to live forever.  Even though she was 90 years old and had cancer, I was in denial and I was so upset when I received the call that she had passed.  I just wanted one more time to see her, talk to her, hug her...   So, I came to visit my dad on his 86th birthday.  I usually enjoy my time with him and Carolyn, but for some reason this time, I am extra glad that I can spend time with them.  While I'm writing this, the tv is on, they are each in their recliner, I am on the couch, and look over to see both "resting their eyes".  This will be one of those priceless good memories!

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